Wednesday, April 8, 2015

A to Z Challenge: G for Geoffrey Lewis

Yesterday actor Geoffrey Lewis passed away from natural causes the actor was 79. He was an actor who performed in several Clint Eastwood movies. He also appeared on television in shows ranging from "Flo," "Law in Order" and "My Name is Earl."

He was also a talented storyteller in the storytelling group "Celestial Navigation" below he tells the tale called "The Dwarf."

In a movie career spanning from 1971 to 2012 Geoffrey Lewis appeared in over 70 movies.He played the role of Stacey in the western "High Plains Drifter" featuring Clint Eastwood. Enjoy the clip below..

He received a Golden Globe nomination for his role on the television show "Flo." Below is a preview of the sitcom.

Here is a news clip of his passing..

His legacy will live in on reruns of television shows and through his film. He will be missed by his wife and children. May he rest in peace.


  1. I was sad to hear the news about his passing but he sure did live a good life and left an impression!

  2. He was such a great character actor. I did not realize he was the same actor that was on Flo and M.A.S.H as the one in Pale Rider. Another great gone

  3. I loved the "Dwarf'. Incredible story.

    Wonderful tribute, Mike.

  4. Yeah, I saw that on FB. Didn't know his name, but the face was instantly recognizable.

    Liz A. from Laws of Gravity
