Monday, March 16, 2015

Highway 49 blues!

I  mentioned in  my  last  blog post I  was traveling.  Well with rental car woes  and the packing  going slower tan expected we were slower at leaving then we had expected. The travel  route  was different than I  had anticipated.

A cool benefit of all of this was the fact I was able to drive a large stretch of Highway 49 in the middle of the night. In reality it was just another boring highway on a long roadtrip. However, for my inner blues geek it was exciting to drive down the historic highway and cross those old forgotten crosroads around midnight.

Obviously  I would  love another visit in that area to explore the historic blues trail. While I am in the area I could also explore the civil war history of Vicksburg which I also drove through. I  might not  be  able  to  do that soon but in about a week I will be able to make that drive in the other direction.  Hopefully  with no hell hounds on our trail!

Some might consider Mississippi a poor state. However the state is rich in culture and history. 


  1. I hate start/stop travel issues. Glad you finally hit the road. Nice tunes, Mike. Crossroads is a fave. Have fun with the family.

    Thank for stopping off to vote in my battle.(smile)

  2. This post reminds me that some lovely songs have been written about traveling.

    Enjoy your trip!

  3. I've done a bit of travel in that same area. It does have an interesting history and culture. I'll probably be driving in those part again toward the end of June or beginning of July.

    Have good travels.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Wrote By Rote
