Sunday, February 1, 2015

Thoughts on the Super Bowl

I thought the New England Patriots were going to win before the game. I wanted a better game than last year's Super Bowl. I went to a local barbecue restaurant to watch the game with my daughter who was looking forward to Katy Perry at halftime!

14-14 at the half. My daughter glued to the television during the halftime show! I was hoping for more of Lenny Kravitz. It was a short and sweet show! I think she did a great job.

My daughter watching..

From the kids say the darnedest things file: A Seattle Seahawk player did not make a catch and my daughter says "he has butter fingers like me!" I have never used the term butter fingers around my daughter so I suppose she has picked that up from school. I did find her comment funny and thought she may have a career in the booth.

In the third quarter I thought Seattle might pull away from the Patriots when they took a 24-14 lead. When the Seahawks scored on the drive off of a Tom Brady interception I thought you can't make mistakes like that against the Super Bowl 48 Champions.

However, Tom Brady led New England back. Seattle drove down the field helped by a crazy, circus catch that was more luck than talent.

It ended on an interception when Seattle decided to pass the ball instead of run the ball in from the one. Most people called it dumb play calling. However, if it was a touchdown pass no one would call it dumb. So it was an entertaining finish, the game came down to the last seconds. I had great company with my daughter and plenty of boneless wings. It was not a bad Super Bowl at all!

1 comment:

  1. Super 49 was totally neck to neck and when it came to nearly the end I sat slumped on the sofa thinking it's all over for the Patriots until Wilson threw the ball at the half-yard mark in hopes for a second Super Bowl victory to only be intercepted. That was a terribly stupid move, but like you said, if the play was a success then no one would think anything other than a brilliant job done. It's all in the way you look at it, huh? I'm with you, I would have liked to seen more of Lenny in the half-time show than Katy. I really did not like watching the half-time show. Katy's wardrobe looked cheap...almost like something you'd find in the costume department of Walmart.
