Thursday, February 12, 2015

Happy Birthday Michael McDonald

Last night I went and saw Michael McDonald in concert. It was an early Valentine's Day date for my wife since I have to work on Valentine's Day. The crowd sang Happy Birthday to him even though the five time Grammy Award winners birthday is today.

The first time I saw Michael McDonald in concert he was part of an all-star band called The Dukes of September...

Here is a review of that show I wrote for DC Metro Theater Arts if you are interested.

I am just celebrating his birthday in the style of this blog which is to share a bunch of music!

"What a Fool Believes"

Here Michael sings lead on Steely Dan's "Do It Again" ..

I am a big Steely Dan fan so I had no problem adding that song to the blog. Below he performs "You Belong to Me" with The Doobie Brothers.

I hope I don't forget anything..

Thanks for stopping in! I hope you enjoyed your visit!


  1. My goodness! Lucky you ~ Lucky wife!
    I love all of these guys. Big time follower of their music... thank you for making my day, Mike.

    Btw, nice article you wrote. Nice to know I do Battle with a famous person. :)

  2. Brings back great memories. Love his music.
