Thursday, February 26, 2015

Happy Birthday Johnny Cash

Today is the birthday of the late, great Johnny Cash. A country singer who influence rock as well.

Here he performs "She Used to Love Me Alot"

Of course I just dive into the music but what a fantastic way to celebrate an awesome artist!

Always a fun song "A Boy Named Sue"

Johnny Cash certainly left a vast musical legacy to pull music from. The last time I celebrated Johnny Cash's birthday on the blog it was a cover filled post featuring Roger Daltrey, Pearl Jam, and  Johnny covering Nine Inch Nails and U2. You can read that post here for more music!

Moving on here is Johnny with his wife June Carter.."Jackson"

What are your favorite Johnny Cash songs? Have any favorite Johnny Cash memories? Feel free to share in the comments.

Remembering Johnny Cash on his birthday!

1 comment:

  1. Mike, I remember all of the songs you posted and the link to the previous birthday. Thanks.

    The #1 video, though, really got me choked up. How far we're fallen.

    Have a great weekend. Hope to see you at BOTB, Sunday!
