Monday, December 1, 2014

Battle of the Bands Number Ten: Chuck Berry's Run Rudolph Run

Welcome to my Battle of the Bands number 10! This month I will be trying to keep it with a Holiday theme for the entire month.

Listen to the song clips in the blog post. In the comment section vote for the one you like the best. Feel free to explain why you voted the way you did. The battles take place on the first and 15th and winners will be announced on the 7th and 21st. I will normally post the winner in the comments. Of course have fun and enjoy!

If you are still looking for more musical fun after you vote, you can check out these sites for more battles:

The Creative Outlet of StratPlayer

Alex J. Cavanaugh

Chuck Berry- Original Artist Not in Battle

Yes, I went to a pioneering artist to pull a song for this competition. Back to the early days of rock and roll. The song written by 

First Challenger Keith Richards

Well Keith Richards wasn't to far behind Chuck Berry and here is his take on the Holiday Rock Classic...

Second Challenger Lynyrd Skynyrd

Keeping it in the classic rock, guitar genre here is Lynyrd Skynyrd's take..

Enjoy the battle. This time I have two studio versions against each other. Vote in the comments and enjoy! Hope it helps to get you in the Holiday spirit. Not into the Holidays well I hope you enjoy the retro-rocking old school sounds!

Edit: Found out from Curious as a Cathy there is a music bloghop on Mondays and I am game!

Here are the details from Cathy's site:

Okay, on behalf of the lovely Dancing Queen, Marie @XmasDolly, and her Solid Gold dancers ~ Callie @JAmericanSpice, Stacy @Stacy Uncorked, Becca @Everyday Life, & myself thank you for joining us for another week of Monday’s Music Moves Me.
Now, it’s time for you to ask us to step out on the dance floor with you. By linking your musical post (all non-music link ups are labeled or removed) URL (not your main blog address) below you are inviting the 4M crew to boogie down to your tunes.


  1. What a great way to kick off #BOTB with a hopping tune like Run Rudolph Run. Lynyrd Skynyrd gets my vote!

  2. Interesting choice. Never been a fan of the Skynyrd sound, but think I prefer it over the Richards version. And it almost started off like a camp song.

  3. Keith keeps it close to the Chuck Berry version, but it just doesn't grab me too much. Lynyrd Skynyrd's version is a bit more fun, I think. The 70's southern rock guitar goes much better than I thought it might.

    I'll take Skynyrd

  4. I thought for sure I would wind up voting for Keith Richards, before hearing either version, and still after hearing Keith's version.

    But after hearing the Skynyrd version... they get my vote, much to my surprise.

    ~ D-FensDogg
    'Loyal American Underground'

  5. I have to agree with all the others! LS rocks.

  6. Lynyrd Skynyrd all the way for me. It was more gutsy while Keith Richard's version ended up being a little boring and not as polished.

  7. Not a huge fan of Berry or rock Christmas songs. Keith sticks to the traditional sound while LS adds a bit more to the mix.

    My vote goes to Skynyrd all the way.

    Tossing It Out

  8. Not overly impressed with Keith Richards and his take on Run Run Rudolph. After reading the comments, I see that sentiment is shared by many. Lynyrd Skynyrd began better right from Go with the kids and then it rocked the song. Gotta give it to LS!

  9. I just love this song and if I can get it in different varieties, even better :)

  10. Both are fantastic, but I actually like Keith Richards' by a hair. I know he kept it close to Chuck's original, but I definitely hear the bluesy, signature Stones sound in there, too, and I am a huge Stones fan. Not as much of a Skynyrd fan, though I like them too. I guess since both artists stuck to the sounds they're known for, it just came down to preference for me.

  11. Interesting little tune. I've never heard it before - shock.
    Skynyrd's guitar, vocal and piano is nice. Not crazy about the intro, but they still get my vote.

  12. I read you BOTB on Monday, but wasn't able to listen. At that time, I thought sure my vote would go to Keith Richards, but today when I listened, boy was I surprised. Give my vote to Lynyrd Skynyrd for a more fun version of this christmas Rockathon.

  13. Wow what a challenge. I can't decide which one i like best .

  14. Great pickin's my friend but I have to go with Skynyrd although Chuck Berry did come close. hehehe The flu is really messin' with me this week & really kicked my butt. Sorry I'm so late.

  15. I liked both. I liked Skynyrd's version better. Lynyrd Skynyrd wins this round.
