Monday, November 17, 2014

Books: Secrets of St. Vincent

I said I would get back to blogging about books again this month and here I am. I finally signed up for my library card. The library has very strange hours and I could complain about that or wish it was larger. However, I will be grateful for what they have and they still have real books.

Anyway I found another mystery book set in Florida and today I found out it is part of a trilogy. No it is not Bob Morris again. I  discovered Charles Farley. Unfortunately, I unknowingly picked the middle book. The book I am writing about Secrets of St. Vincent.

What I liked about the book was that it took place in a different time. The panhandle of Florida was quite different in the 1930s and Farley captured my imagination with panthers and 15 foot long alligators. Then there was the mystery. The book had a bit of Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird with an African American blues musician accused of a crime he did not commit.

Murders, wilderness, history, race relationships, a man's fate hanging in the cell of a prison are all ingredients in this mystery plus a few more twists.

I've liked other mysteries better. Perhaps if I read the first book in the series I would have enjoyed this one more. The book didn't grab me at times. However, the book delivered a lot and overall was a pleasant read!

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