Saturday, August 9, 2014

The End of a Long Strange Trip: Jerry Garcia

I was in my car when I heard the news the Jerry Garcia had died. Harder still to believe it has been 19 years ago. The last two years I have blogged about him on his birthday.

I didn't think to do so this time. I remembered after I blogged about my battle of the band. I've written often about how I miss him. It is sobering to realize he died being 10 years older than I am now at the age of 53 from a heart attack.

I've got a "Touch of Grey"

Here is how Dan Rather and CBS News reported it..

Like Led Zeppelin and Robert Plant introduced me to "new music" at least to me. The bluegrass, the Americana music, the old time, the folk, or whatever you want to call it. Sure I had heard some before but he presented it in away that I got it.

"Whiskey in the Jar"

"Shinning Star"

Thank you for the songs, the improvisations, the solos, the memories and the songs that still fill the air. Something beautiful died with you that unfortunately can never can be replaced, Thank you though for letting me experience it if just for a little while.

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