Monday, August 11, 2014

R.I.P Robin Williams

Starting off this post with some highlights of Robin Williams in Good Morning Vietnam!  If you haven't heard the news Robin Williams has passed away. You can read the depressing news here. It is a shame he died too soon at 63. I am sure he had a few more things he could have done to make us laugh again. I want to celebrate his life. The gift of his performances which he left us.

Here is his first appearance on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson...

Many of us first discovered Robin Williams when he was on Mork and Mindy. You might recognize a younger David Letterman in this clip..

Maybe not the right time for this clip.Then again maybe humor is what we need. Here he performs in a skit with Carol Burnett.

So many movies to choose from.  I think my favorite might be What Dreams May Come. Ms. Doubtfire certainly was funny. What were your favorites?

Thanks for the entertainment may you rest in peace Robin Williams!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I loved Robin Williams from the very first time I met him on the Mork & Mindy show right up to the end. Simply put, he was outrageously,hilarious, and without fail made me smile. Humor seemed so natural for him. What better life I had because of the laughs he gave me over the years. He will be missed by many. My heart is heavy that a man who made others lives a little lighter and happier couldn't enjoy his own dose of medicine. May you #RIPRobinWilliams!
