Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Battle of the Bands #1 Dead Flowers

I discovered this on Arlee Bird's Tossing it Out blog. I thought well this fits well with my blog so I am giving it a shot. Apparently, it is a Tuesday thing so I am already starting it off wrong. But hey mess ups fit quite well on this blog too!

How it works

According to Arlee Bird's blog the rules are rather simple:

"   Here's how the Battle works:   Listen to the song clips in the blog post and then in the comment section vote on the one you like the best.   When you vote please tell us why you voted the way you did.  Long explanations are always welcomed.   After a week or so I'll tally the votes and announce them in an upcoming blog post.   Please do vote though so your favorite choice can be counted."

After you vote you can check out these sites for other battles:

  Faraway Series
         Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
         Your Daily Dose

Well I heard an awesome cover of the classic song "Dead Flowers" by The Rolling Stones. Here is a Stones version..

Out battle will feature the great song writer Townes Van Zandt..

and a relatively new but respected blues singer Samantha Fish...

Vote for the winner in the comments!


  1. Hey Mike, nice to meet you. I saw your comment on 'Tossing It Out' and decided to look you up. first, a little info if your interested. on BATTLE OF THE BANDS (BOTB), here's what we do. We post a battle on the 1st and 15th of every month. Then a week later on the 7th and 21st we come back and post the results of the BATTLE and our personal vote. You can make that a separate post, or do it in the comment section, or whatever.

    If you want to generate more traffic visit the other participants and vote on their BATTLES and tell them that you have posted one too, they will visit you back and vote. ALSO, leave a comment at 'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends' and Stephen will add you to the list of all participants. The others probably will too. I don't link to everyone, because I'm cyber-impaired, but STMc links to everybody, even some who only join in every so often.

    Of course, that's only if you want to.

    NOW, my vote on the 'Dead Flowers". The Townes cover kind of hurt my ears. Samantha's was better at the start and then she kind of started screeching (at least to these ears) and I was back to Mick and the Boys, maybe not the best vocals out there, but The Rolling Stones and the original gets my vote.

  2. MIKE ~
    I owned a few Rolling Stones albums back in the day, but I was never really a big fan of the band. Liked some of their stuffs really well, but they never would have made a Top Ten Favorite Musicians list of mine.

    As the years went on, my musical tastes changed drastically as I moved from Rock to Blues to Jazz. And subsequently I came to like even fewer of the Stones' songs than I had before.

    That was a long way of saying that I don't think I'd ever even heard this song by the Stones before, so I was coming into this 'BOTB' with no preconceived ideas or formerly established allegiances.

    However... the original by The Rolling Stones wins this contest handily for me. I liked their faster pace and the loose but galloping drum rhythm.

    The other versions were just too slow and draggy for my ears.

    FAE did a good job of explaining what 'BOTB' is all about and when we post the contests and announce the winners.

    If you think you'll be joining us in this endeavor again in the future, please return to my 'F-FFF' blog and let me know. If so, I will add a link to your blog which will be included in all of my 'BOTB' posts on the 1st and 15th of each month from now on.

    ~ D-FensDogg
    'Loyal American Underground'

  3. Quite an idea:) My vote is for Samantha, btw.

  4. Very good Battle. I've never heard this song before. The Stones version is best by far to my ears. But since we're voting between the other two I'll go with Townes. Samantha's version lacked anything special that would win my vote.

    Glad you've joined in the BOTB fun. Look forward to your future posts.

    Tossing It Out

  5. The Rolling Stones won this battle. Two gave nice attempts but couldn't make it past the legends shadows.
