Friday, June 27, 2014

World Cup, Soccer, Football..

Soccer is the world's sport but it is not Merica's sport. Wanted to make a distinction between the United States of America and the two continents of America. Soccer could be the sport in central and South America. Soccer doesn't need to be the sport in the United States, but soccer would like to be successful in this country.

I played a season or so of youth soccer. I was a fan watching NASL soccer games and then ASL games in the 70s as a youth in Jacksonville rooting on the Tea Men. College football was king in the city and the city had dreams of an NFL team. Pro soccer is what we had. Leagues, teams folded and were forgotten. No one remembers the Jacksonville Tea Men now.

As a youth I was a fan. It was what my city could offer and my parents cold afford to take me to the games. I moved to a more soccer friendly area but never  really got behind the DC United. The woman I got behind. They took advantage of international success and started a league. But it faded and petered out. I liked the girl's game.

Men's soccer needs World Cup success to make soccer successful here. Unfortunately the rest of the world is to talented than Team USA. Mediocre is how I would describe our World Cup appearance so far. A win over Ghana, a draw with Portugal, and a loss to Germany honestly is respectable. A win in the next round would give soccer a boost. A deep World Cup run could give soccer a much needed buzz here. A miracle championship could establish soccer here. It would be the best thing for soccer increasing the fan base, boosting interest, merchandise sales and it won't happen

I wish Team USA the best but watch out for the powerhouses!

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