Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Remembering Casey Kasem

I don't know if the Pop Top 40 is as important to musicians as it used to be. It is not as important to me. I still listen to pop music. I have a seven year old daughter who enjoys a lot of pop tunes. However I listen to a lot of other genres that you just don't hear on pop radio. Back in the day, Pop music included a lot more music than it does now.

One of the reasons the Top 40 was so important was Casey Kasem. I have found memories of listening to  him count the songs down in the early 80s.  He would always close with his catch phrase..
"Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars."

Here Casey Kasem appears on David Letterman's show...

A news report of his death..

If music wasn't your thing or if you were never a fan of the American Top 40 you may remember Casey Kasem as the voice of Scooby Doo's Shaggy.

Casey Kasem was a legend of the airwaves. A medium in decline with internet radios, satellite radio, streaming songs, and other replacements. If it is not in decline it is ever changing. It is not what it once was which is fitting with the news of Casey Kasem. No new or current radio personality will ever come close to catching Casey Kasem's star. 

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