Monday, April 21, 2014

A to Z Challenge: R.I.P Rubin "Hurricane" Carter

Rubin "Hurricane" Carter died today at the age of 76 he was battling prostate cancer. The name might not ring a bell to some. Rubin Carter was a boxer in the 1960s. He was a contender compiling a record of 27-12-1.

Bob Dylan summed him up in this song performed by Ani DiFranco..(sorry couldn't find A dylan version not muted or messed up)

Here is Rubin in action against Emile Griffith...

Rubin Carter was convicted twice for multiple murders he did not commit. The conviction ended his boxing career. His 19 years in prison. A movie was made about his life and here is the trailer...

Here is a speech he gave some years after his release....

He lost a career, he lost many years of his freedom, and somehow turned into a better person through it. May he rest in peace.

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