Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A to Z Challenge: Malcolm Young and AC/DC

You may have heard rumors about AC/DC calling it a career. Dig a little deeper and you can discover why. Malcolm Young a co-founder of the band, a co-songwriter, a co-producer, and rhythm guitarist for this hard rocking band has had serious health issues of late. Reportedly he has suffered a stroke and has a blood clot in his brain. Reportedly he is unable to play lie he needs to for AC/DC to continue.

AC/DC and Queen are the "real rock bands" that I was drawn towards as a young kid. This is probably the song that hooked me...

Here is a tribute to Malcolm some fan made..

Here is a more recent song...

We hope he recovers. Hopefully he will be able to live and life will go on. Music is secondary sometimes. If this is the end for AC/DC thank you for the riffs.

1 comment:

  1. I have heard of him and thought it was sad when he killed himself but I have never listened to his music. I have meant to but have not.
