Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Part One: Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Class of 2014

Again Deep Purple did not make the cut.I might be bias but the band has one of the most iconic songs in rock "Smoke on the Water." The album "Machine Head" is a masterpiece. When you have guitarists named Richie Blackmore and Steve Morse in your band in different eras you might be great.

I'm not saying they were the only band not to make it int the Hall of Fame that had a good argument for membership. I am not taking away from this year's class. Just saying Deep Purple belongs.


I remember them from the 70s. They could be the first rock group, I was exposed to which was a departure from the cowboy music I was into at the time. They have a huge fan base and they still make headlines and grab media attention today.Can't argue this selection...


Honestly, I liked Pearl Jam better as far as grunge bands back in the day. A lot of Nirvana songs hold up well when you listen to them today. They had Dave Grohl on drums which is always a good thing. It was sad when Kurt Cobain killed himself. it is sad whenever a 27 year old does that. Would they be inducted now if Kurt Cobain was still alive? I think probably not. Kurt Cobain has become a mythical, idol to some which is probably good for Rock and Roll.

There were more but I will get to them on another post!

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