Tuesday, September 17, 2013


I am in the mist of changing locations. A lot of my future is unknown. My blog entries have become fewer. Simply put my life is going through a duller point. However, today was a good day. After work I was able to watch the sunset from here..

Photo: The sunset from my little fishing spot

Yes the darkness and lightning did come much to fast. However, I did get to enjoy the sunset and caught half a dozen fish. Including my first red fish, it was a pretty little fish..

Photo: First red fish

The rest were croakers, this was the smallest one I caught but he was my first fish today..

Photo: Croaker

Thankfully the fish became larger. I let them all go and since I ran out of daylight I provided them with extra shrimp dinners. For me it is about the excitement of catching something, the beautiful scenery, and the peace of mind.

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