Monday, August 26, 2013

Pat Benatar

I recently reviewed Pat Benatar in concert with her husband Neil Giraldo and rock legends Cheap Trick.
I wanted to blog about their marriage. No, I am not turning my blog into the TMZ. I just found it neat that the pair have been working together for 35 years and that they have been married for 31 years. You really don't hear about people in entertainment, much less rock being married for that length of time. I found it neat they were still joking, having fun, and sharing banter with each other.

In concert they were great. I came away with a lot more respect for Neil as a guitarist. Pat looked great for her age, sounded wonderful, and was trying to help Brynn Marie with her career.You can read my review here.

Okay you might be asking who is Brynn Marie. She is a rising country music star. Her current video being played on CMT is on my review. Here is a taste of her at a recent sound check the song is "I'm Sorry"

Here is a compilation of Neil's guitar solos..

Here is Pat Benatar in action..."Hit Me With Your Best Shot"

I will be back soon with a new post in the mean time enjoy! 

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