Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Young Olympians on the Move

Yes, I am sure there are lots of young Olympians getting ready for their respective sport. However, I am talking about the The Young Olympians and the Most Amazingly Awesome Adventure Ever!  The Maryland Ensemble Theatre's Fun Company production premiered last year in Frederick, Maryland ands is now headed to The Capital Fringe Festival.

What did I think of the original show. I enjoyed it and my daughter enjoyed it. You can read my review here.
Here is a preview article written by the MET's Vanessa Strickland I enjoyed the soundtrack as well.

Here is a promo for their recent revival run before the festival...

Here is a meet the cast video...

If you are looking for a great family show to take the kids to at the Capital Fringe Festival the Young Olympians show is a safe bet. If you are interested in the Capital Fringe Festival stay tuned to my blog I am covering three shows this weekend and I am sure I will blog a bit about them.

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