Thursday, June 27, 2013

Warren Haynes and the NSO Tribute to Jerry Garcia at Wolf Trap

You can read my review of the show here. However a truer testimony might have been my six year old daughters reaction to the show as my guest. Her favorite musical artists are Katy Perry, Justin Beiber, Miley Cyrus, and Taylor Swift. She volunteered to go with me and even dressed the part..

Any way we took our seats and as we were waiting for the show to start she started getting crabby. The typical humid summer evening weather wasn't helping. She was suddenly thirsty and hungry. Oh, no the complaining had begun Then something magical happened the band came out and together with the National Symphony Orchestra they started to play music. The smile came to her face and she was happy again. When the grown ups started to dance so did my daughter. When they started playing with balloons she wanted one. Some how the balloons avoided us and my daughter didn't take away the grown ups play toys.By intermission her I wants went from food and water to souvenirs. By the end of the show she wanted to meet  Warren Haynes and get his autograph. I was honest and told her I would like to do that too!

Here is a taste of the wonderful concert...

Enjoy and I will be back soon with a new post...

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