Friday, June 21, 2013

Interview with Little Feat's Bill Payne

The plus side to my writing adventures is the fact from time to time I get to talk to some pretty cool people. In the past I have interviewed guitar master Yngwie Malmsteen, The Queen of Bluegrass Rhonda Vincent, and some other cool folks. I was able to add another one on my list when I interviewed one of the founders of Little Feat, their keyboard/piano player Bill Payne.

The interview was great. Obviously we talked about his upcoming tour and show. However, we also touched on his art, music, and some rock and roll history. You can read my interview here.

Here is a promo from the current tour...

Here he perfroms "Rooster Rag" at another famous club...

and a classic from the band that made him famous..

Hope you enjoy and I will be back soon with anbother post! 

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