Thursday, May 30, 2013

Pickle My Monkey at the MET

Pickle My Monkey is a new play created by The Maryland Ensemble Theatre in Frederick, Maryland. The original comedy is enjoying it's world premiere outing. It has sex, drugs and rock and roll! If that isn't enough I will throw in a talking pickled monkey and lizard man. The show got a bit wacky but it also brought a lot of laughs. You can read my review here.

You really have to give the theatre kudos for being a theatre where members can experiment and create new plays. They also produce some other daring works, some classics and have a wonderful assortment of theatre. This play really highlights the theatre's creativity and willingness to be daring!

The blog has been slow this week, since my household has been dealing with all kinds of itches...(mosquitoes, spiders, and poison ivy oh, my)

Since this post is kind of short here is a video of Kix performing "The Itch" (Kix, by the way is from this area so it kind of fits)

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