Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A to Z: Orianthi

Okay for O I will blog about one of the better female guitarists out there. Her full name is Orianthi Panagaris but she is one of those artists that simply go by one name, Orianthi. The 28-year old guitarist has already had an incredible career. She has been a guitarist for Michael Jackson and Alioce Cooper. She has performed with some other great artists as well. She has had a big hit.

Elle Magazine named her one of the top female guitarists in 2009. Guitar International Magazine awardeed her the 2010 Breakthrough Guitarist of the Year. Paul Reed Smith guitars produces a signature guitar model for her. Not too shabby at all.

Here is her hit single "According to You"...

and her follow up hit...

Here she is with Alice Cooper...

Here is her guitar solo with Michael Jackson..

Here she is with Joe Satriani and Steve Vai...

I mean if she can hang with thwat group she must be alright. Well I will be back soon with another post...


  1. sounds like a pretty talented gal

    thanks for sharing via A to Z

  2. She's great! Very talented.

    Great to meet you through A to Z...thanks for visiting Moxie Writers! :) Rebecca from

  3. Wow! Thanks for sharing her music. She is wonderful!!!
