Friday, April 12, 2013

A to Z: Kids

It was my daughter's birthday on the 11th. So what was going to be a night out with just the family at Chuck E. Cheese became an impromptu birthday party when my daughter told the neighbors. So, I ended up piling in a three year old, and two six year olds in my car. My wife ended up running late so I had the kids for a half hour trip plus another 45 minutes by myself before my partner showed up. Needless to say the kids wore me out. (or maybe I hit the Street Ball Game and football toss game a bit hard for an out of shape 40 something year old kid.) Oh well kids...

1 comment:

  1. Just stopping by from the A-Z Challenge list to say "Hi" :)

    He he he, don't you just love kids! My lot used to always drop me in it lol

    Good luck with the rest of the challenge.

