Saturday, April 6, 2013

A to Z: Fiction

I started this blog five years ago as I had started writing articles on  whim. It also lead me to outlets for my poetry. Something I wrote a lot more of in my younger days but was too shy, or insecure, to really share. anyway, this year I tried yet another new writing style fiction. I hadn't created any fiction since perhaps my early college days which would be a good two decades ago. I don't even know if "flash fiction" existed back then.

If you like to read them I will share them. They were under a dance theme. I will start with the three flash fiction stories I wrote.

The first one was about Tap Shoes. Then I wrote one about The Dance Teacher. Finally I wrote one about The Dance Marathon.

I also wrote a short story also on a dance theme about The Last Dance.

I will be writing some more flash fiction and short stories in the future. I found them to be a great creative exercise especially when responding to a certain category. I will probably post something tomorrow on here that isn't A to Z related. Regardless, I will be back Monday pressing on with the A to Z: Challenge. Thanks for stopping by and stay tuned! 

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