Sunday, March 3, 2013

Tampere Workers' Theatre Finland : The Warmblooded

A thre hour play in subtitles is a little tought to follow at times. My seats were good at the Kennedy Center but they were in a place where I couldn't see the larger print main subtitle boards. I had to depend on the smaller side ones which were a strain to read and follow with my aging eyes even with corrective lenses. The first half was a bit hard to follow. I did even if I missed some of the dialog. Luckily the bullitin had a synopsis. The second act was better and I follwed better. I ended up really liking the story.

It was a third one in a trilogy and March is a bit late for a Christmas theme play. The Warmblooded offered a look at Finish life through the eyes of a band of homeless folk living under a bypass. A crew made up of an Iraqi immigrant, Romanian gypsies, and Fins it shows their struggles, the way society looks at them, and along the way their is some comedy and their is a real story. It was interesting look.The play was written and directed by Sirkku Peltola.

Last night was the U.S. premiere but this group has been doing it for a while . Here is a clip from a shw a couple of years ago. Enjoy...

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