Saturday, March 9, 2013

Les Miserables

Okay, I finally saw the movie Les Miserables at the discount movie theater in Frederick for my Saturday date night with my wife. It was weird seeing lines outside that movie theater. However, they were also playing The Hobbit(another movie I want to see) it shouldn't be that surprising. Plus lines outside any local business these days is a good thing since it means business!

The movie was good, but if you didn't know Les Mis is a musical the singing might I have been a bit awkward. The movie won three Oscars and was nominated for five more so maybedescribing it ias good is an understatement. Anne Hathaway did a great job in a supporting role which she won an Oscar. but the film was filled with a bunch more who did great jobs as well. It is easy to see why Hugh Jackman was nominated and he did a superb job. It was quite different from his Wolverine role.

Here is the trailer for the film...

The story is pretty well known from the stage production and the novel. My wife did state a lot of the dialog is cut out in the movie compared to the stage production. Well it was worth a see...

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