Tuesday, March 5, 2013

February Reads: Riders on the Storm

The third music bio I have read this year...

Riders On The Storm by John Densmore (the drummer of The Doors) - great book!

Different from "No One Here Gets Out Alive"  and perhaps not as entertaining. However, the insight and perspective is quite different and very interesting. IT was neat to read what John thought about being in a band with Jim Morrison. Thoughts on drugs, thoughts on how "straights" viewed long hairs back then. Also interesting to read about his struggles in life.

Interesting video below I thought would add to the post..

Like I stated earlier the year is starting off with me reading a lot of books. I'm a manic reader I will read a lot then I won't pick up a book for a long time. So, stay tuned and I will share another read soon.

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