Thursday, March 28, 2013

February Reads: Fiction

Sometimes I read some Christian fiction ( I read books dealing with other religions sometimes as well). Last month I read the best seller "The Shack."

The Shack

The book does make you think. It deals with a family, a death of a child, and forgiveness. Closure as well.

Ah, Spring time which apparently is taking a vacation. Anyway I read a pirate book called "Pirate Latitudes" by Michael Crichton. What can I say I like high sea adventure stories. It hit  the spot and Crichton is working his way into becoming one of my favorite authors. He certainly does mix up the topics.

Pirate Latitudes by Michael Crichton - From one of the best-loved authors of all time comes an irresistible adventure of swashbuckling pirates in the New World, a classic story of treasure and betrayal. (Bilbary Town LIbrary: Good for Readers, Good for Libraries)

I've slowed down a bit in March but I have finished a couple of classics and have started more books. I just haven't grabbed one to finish.

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