Monday, February 4, 2013

Super Bowl Thoughts

Power Outage:

The lights should never go out during a Super Bowl. Here is the most thought provoking post I have seen on the subject. It kind of puts it all in perspective...

Ray Lewis

What a fitting way for Ray Lewis to end his career with a Super Bowl ring. He was an incredible linebacker for 18 seasons.

Joe Flacco

We have all heard this debate before, is he an elite quarterback? We heard this with Eli Manning before he won a Super Bowl. To start with any starting quarterback in the NFL is an elite quarterback at some level, since their are only 32 teams so 32 starting quarterbacks. That would include some we love to criticize or wish performed better. However, there are some things that help a quarterback out such as better offensive lines, a solid running game, and talented receivers. Joe will be better respected now since he lead a team to a Super Bowl Championship.The win and the MVP Award certainly help. Is he at a Tom Brady level or Peyton Manning level? Time will sort that out, I don't think he is quite there yet but I think he up there with the likes of Eli Manning and one of the better quarterbacks of the 32.

Congrats to the Ravens

Congrats to the Baltimore Ravens for winning their second Super Bowl. They had a great run through the playoffs. At 10-6 I did not think they were going to win the Super Bowl but they did and they deserve a lot of credit. They dominated the first half. They lost momentum after the power outage but they were able to hold of the 49ers.

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