Saturday, January 19, 2013

R.I. P. Earl Weaver

I remember Earl Weaver as the manager of the Orioles from my teen years. I was living in the Washington DC area at the time, closer than I do these days, and well Washington didn't have a team. Baltimore had the Orioles and they were the home team. He was a colorful baseball manager. He managed some good teams for the O's.  He died in his sleep from an apparent heart attack. His wife by his side. He was 82 and died aboard an Orioles' Fantasy Cruise ship.

He had a career record of 1480-1060. He was the manager of the Orioles from 1968-1982 and als 1985-1986. His number was retired by the Baltimore Orioles and he became a  member of the baseball Hall of Fame. Baseball lost one of their best managers.

Caution on all clips he was a colorful manager. Here he is in action...

Here is another one...

Howard Cossell commenting on his retirement...

Thanks for the memories. Thanks for a great reason to blog about baseball! R.I.P..may the three run homers come through for you.

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