Sunday, January 6, 2013

Irving Berlin's White Christmas

Last night I went to the theater for the first time in 2013. I went as a patron of the arts it was a simple date night for me and the wife. It was nice to be able to sleep in this morning sand not have to write a review. I went to the Kennedy Center to see Irving Berlin's White Christmas.

It was a show my wife really wanted to see. She is a big fan of Irving Berlin. The production was incredible. Just about everyone in the cast had Broadway experience. There was alive orchestra providing the music in the pit. The cast were full of talented singers and they cold dance as ell. The costumes were elegant. However, I was blown away by the  set design and how quickly they made changes.

Playing it forward a bit, Amanda Gunther wrote a review on the musical for DC Metro Theater Arts. She raved about the musical and gave it 5 stars wihich I concur. You can read her review here.

Here is a promo for the show. Which gives absolutly nothing away...

Here is a numberfrom the show during the Broadway Run...

Needless to say my wife and I enjoy the show. On are trek back home we drove through a couple of snow showers..

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