Saturday, January 26, 2013

Coming Attractions

January was a kind of up in the air month for me. I didn't really request any assignemnts so I didn't really cover a lot. I picked up a unique Chinese dance performance which was truely a cultural delight and then I covered The Savannah Disputtation last week in Reston. Asa  patron of the arts I did go see Irving Berlin's White Christmas at the Kennedy Center at the beggining of the month.

Without haviong the shows I have been staying busy volunteering at a Cold Weather Shelter, so far I have helped out on three nights and I have siugned up for two more this week. On the bright side it has given me the chance to read more. Besides the obvious bright side of helping those who need help. So, I guess their will be some blog posts on what I  am reading. I used to do that, then I kind of stopped readong books for a while.

I am a manic reader, a streaky reader. I am much more likely to start a book and misplace it some where and not come back to it then I am to finish one. I know a lot of writers read a lot more than I do. I don't know how they do it. I guess when I am juggling real life stuff, family, and lives other destractions plus  writing it is hard to find time for it or at least that is my excuse.

Well I am confirmed for one concert and one play next month. I am still waiting for a few others which could also involve interviews. Plus who knows what else will happen.In the immediate future I will have some more festival lineups, some sports posts, and who knows I am sure there will be some surprises.

Not only did I include some coming attractions, I think there might be some confessions, and a lot of ramblings.I will be back soon with another post.

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