Saturday, January 12, 2013

Chinese Dance: Something new for my first review

Sames like every year I get to add something new in my writing cap. This year is no exception as I was fortunate enough to review a dance production. Even better for me the dance production was a little more special. I was able to see the ong Kong Dance Company with the Guangdong Song and Dance Ensemble perform Qingming Riverside at the Kennedy Center. You can read my review here.

Here is a trailer for the program from 2008:

It has been played in a few places around the world but this current tour marks the first time in North America and it was the second stop. The first stop was Toronto.

Here is an another video...

I loved how it combined poetry, music, art, theater, video and dance to create something neat. I came away thinking it was quite a cultural experience...

Well I will be back with a new post soon

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