Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Welcome to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 2013

The breaking news of the day of who will be the new members of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2013 kind of trumped what I was planning to blog about.

Lou Adler

Lou Adler made it as owner of the Roxy, a manager, a songwriter, basically a music insider responsible for a lot of the California Rock Scene having a hand in Monterrey to Carole King.

Here is an interview I dug up on him...

Quincy Jones

Quincy Jones made it as well. Trumpet player, arranger, musical director, had his own solo career, did music for movies and TV shows, and he produced numerous hit albums.

Here is a song from Quincy..


This Canadian Rock trio deserves to be the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.Songs like "The Spirit of the Radio" and "Tom Sawyer" have made the group staples of classic rock radio stations everywhere.

Here they perform "Fly by Night"


I know Ann and Nancy Wilson started in the 70s but they were everywhere in the 80s. Songs like "These Dreams," "Magic Man" bring up so many memories. "Barracuda" just rocks. They are having a great 2012 just performing this month at the Kennedy Center to honor Led Zeppelin, the girls have been on tour most of the year.

Here they are performing "Barracuda"

Rush and Heart definitely top the list of rock bands that made it.

Albert King

Deserves to be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame if nothing else for his influence. The blues man influenced the likes of Eric Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Johnny Winter and Derek Trucks to name just a handful.

Randy Newman

It is hard to put him in a musical box his songs went from country, to film, to R&B, pop...
However it is hard to argue with a resume that has 6 GRAMMY Awards, 3 EMMY Awards and 2 Oscars.

Donna Summer

She was the Queen of Disco. 5 Grammy Awards and 6 American Music Awards help paved the way for her to be in the Hall of Fame. Sadly she passed away in May.

Public Enemy

Hip hop is represented as well. Public Enemy made it to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The band has won a Grammy and been nominated for several. They also have won a Soul Train Award. The band was political and influential.

The people, bands, and musicians above got it and I congratulate them. Yes, there are a few who haven't made it in that deserve it. At least in my opinion and we all have opinions so I know there are few who probably should be in. Maybe one day we will celebrate them. Today we celebrate these.

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