Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Just songs..

Just a few songs for the way I feel. Sometimes there is a lot of smoke and mirrors. There are things in my world not going the way I would like and then there are things in the world that aren't going well too. So, I thought I would share some songs. Perhaps a bit of musical therapy for me. I hope you enjoy.

This song I heard for the first time in the Wine Country of California. At the time a relationship had gone sour and I heard this on public radio. Northern California Public Radio sounded pretty cool back then. It kind of fits for the way I feel tonight. The situation is a little different but I could use a little Hope..

This song from Tom Petty grabbed me when I heard it. Again another good fit for tonight...

When in doubt always go with Bob Marley. His music always provides those positive vibrations...

Well just sharing a few tunes. Good night and I will be back with another post soon,,,

1 comment:

  1. Music is a great therapy.
    With all the tragedies lately hope seems difficult, but we can be the light that shines through the darkness.
    Create hope by touching someone's life with love or happiness.
