Monday, November 12, 2012

Veteran's Day

Most years I write a Veteran's Day blog I've said thanks a million times. I support the troops, sailors, military men and woman. I don't always support the politicians and diplomats who put them in harms way. I respect them and thank these brave men and woman. Some of these folks are my friends, fraternity brothers, so my caring goes even deeper.This time I wanted to show some clips and show why I am thankful for Veterans.This is why they deserve are respect.

Here is the Coast Guard performing a recent rescue..No matter politics you have to respect these folks putting themselves in risks to rescue people...

Here the Marines help people recover from Sandy...

Here Army National Guards make a rescue in New Jersey...

Here the Air Force delivers supplies to help with Sandy...

Here the Navy helps clean up after Sandy

1 comment:

  1. For whatever the reasons, the videos did not appear for me. Nevertheless, I concur with your statements about our men and women in uniform. Cheers.
