Monday, November 26, 2012

Duncan Sheik

Well I went to the Birchmere in Alexandria, Virginia on Sunday. It is a legendary music hall where lots of big names have played. On this night I came to see Duncan Sheik, the GRAMMY and Tony Award winning musician.

Here is Duncan performing "I Don't Do Sadness" from the musical Spring Awakening at the same venue but this was back in April...

You can read my full review here.When he played the song above he was joined by singer Laura Warshauer,,,

Here she is performing one of her songs

Courrier was the opening act they performed a 30 minute set. They are a real likable band with a lot of talent. Here is a little bit from Sunday someone caught on Youtube...

Well that was my musical adventure. Stay tuned I  will be back soon with a new post...

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