Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Sandy Experience

Well the blunt of Sandy has passed. Thankfully no damage here and the power stayed on except for some few minutes of flickering. We made out much better with this storm than we did with last October's snowfall or this summer's Derecho. Any way we are fortunate both the Shenandoah Rivers and Potomac were on the rise today, we live on a big hill. A lot of people in the area lost power we were spared this time. What a year for storms this year I have been through Sandy, Derecho and a Tropical Storm. Some places just a couple hours west of me in the higher elevations got a lot of snow.

Here is a video of the snow in the southern part of West Virginia...

Another video of the snow...

Here is some local coverage from the Hagerstown NBC station...

Safe and sound here. The kids got a couple of days off from school and a two hour delay tomorrow.

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