Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Bloody, Bloody Andrew Jackson

I'm going to be writing a lot this week. Most of it is sports related. Since, I have already blogged about football and baseball this week I thought I would break it up a bit and write about a musical I reviewed. I found out the lead role lost his voice and the show didn't have an understudy. So, I was expecting the worst but I was pleasantly surprised and treated to a stellar performance of Bloody, Bloody Andrew Jackson at the Maryland Ensemble Theatre in Frederick, Maryland. You can read my full review here.

Here is a bit of the opening number as done on the Broadway Production...

It poortrays Andrew Jackson in a EMO rock star style. It is not politically correct, sometimes offensive, but interesting, entertaining, thought provoking fun time!

I'll be back soon with another post about something different.what? I am not sure yet.

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