Saturday, September 1, 2012

Is Local Live Music Dying?

Is local live music dying out? Granted Charles Town is not the biggest city in the world but two of the best regional blues guitarists were playing in town. On one street Duffy Kane was playing a set and his set ended around ten I went to another venue and watched Billy Thompson. These shows had no covers associated with them, in other words they were free shows. Even better the shows were at non smoking venues. However, the crowds were sparse. I know maybe it is the holiday weekend, perhaps it is an off night, but then again could it be local music is dying off?

The first musician I saw tonight was Duffy Kane performing with just a bass player, though a local drummer joined in later. Here he is with a full band...

Then I walked over to see Billy Thompson for a bit. Here is  a taste..

Thankfully I live in an area that is rich with local talent. I just wish they had more support.

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