Saturday, August 4, 2012

Jerry Seinfeld

I got to cover Jerry Seinfeld at the Kennedy Center. I ended up being doubled book for the night. So, I helped the band I manage set up for their gig in Hagerstown in the afternoon and navigated my way to Washington by 7PM. That my friends was comedy enough!

It was a treat since I rarely get out to see comedy. The last big name comedian I saw was George Carlin on his last tour. I hope this isn't Jerry's last one. Other than that I went to a comedy club in Florida and I watched a comedian open and emcee a jazz show in Jacksonville. Plus getting to go to the Kennedy Center for anything is pretty cool!

Chuck Martin, probably better known for producing and writing Arrested Development opened the show. He was pretty good at stand up and a wise choice for an opener.Here is a clip Chuck is in...

Everyone knows Jerry from his show Seinfeld. I had no clue he was 58! He has been doing stand up since he was 21 so he has a bit of experience. Anyway you can read my review here. Here is a clip of Jerry from 2008 talking about airports..

It was a great show if you get a chance check it out!

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