Monday, August 13, 2012

Iron Cross in Concert

Saturday, I didn't go to the benefit show, pool party as another concert I was scheduled to review actually got confirmed late. So, I was kind of obligated to go. It was a neat experience for me and a challenging review to write. You can read my review here. Iron Cross is a Burmese (Myanmar) rock band and the entire concert was in Burmese. Which I have no problem with, English speaking bands play in foreign places and sing in English all the time.

However, it was truly a cultural experience. It was interesting hearing the crowd chanting, cheering, all in another language. Most if not all of the crowd was Burmese or Burmese Americans. I'm glad they came out and supported a band they enjoy! Just very humbling to know most of them probably spoke more than one language. I speak one. In a way I am Internationally illiterate. But it was an experience an adventure to be in an environment where I didn't know the language at all. (When I went to Mexico, they spoke English and I could pick up a word or two in Spanish). Here I could not. I could pick up what was banter, showmanship, and jokes from the body language.

I hope I did justice on the review. I will so they put on a 3.5 hour nonstop show. The guitarist, Chit San Maung is incredible. Don't believe me check the video below...

I've seen a lot of great guitarist, blogged about and interviewed many ad this guy belongs in the upper echelon of guitarists anywhere. He made me a fan of his. I loved how they used different vocalists and changed so many textures in their music. They would go from something poppy to something like heavy metal.

The drummer was great too as was the keyboardist. Here is the Wipeout jam which turned into a drum solo. This was from the show I reviewed. Wipeout was the most familiar song I heard...

Well it was a treat. I hope you liked my review and I hope you check out Iron Cross for something different.

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