Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Jerry Garcia

Today Jerry Garcia, the guitarist, vocalist, for the Grateful Dead would have turned 70. Later this month marks the 17th anniversary of his death. 53 is way too soon to go. However, Jerry did have health issues I remember a Fall tour in the 90s that got cancelled due to his health. I was bummed, I had tickets to three shows on that tour.

I miss Jerry, since it marked the end of the Grateful Dead. Sure there are the splinter groups Further, Phil Lesh and Friends, Bob Weir and Ratdog. However, it isn't quite the same. The vibe is missing. I loved the peddlers outside the venue. If a fan bumped into you, they would say they were sorry and make sure you were okay. Yes their were drugs.  but you could say no and still be cool. They even had fans the Wharf Rats who were sober.

I was about the music, still am. They used to put on a long three hour show and they would have cool opening acts. I remember seeing Traffic and Steve Miller open for them. Bruce Hornsby would join them in most shows I saw at RFK. You could see multiple shows since the band would change the set list every night. If Led Zeppelin was responsible for my exploration and love of blues music and guitar driven rock. The Grateful Dead were responsible for my acoustic, folk,  exploration.

I mean I love Jerry with the Dead, solo, and his bluegrass projects as well. 17 years later I know what is missing.

This is the Grateful Dead performing Casey Jones at the first Grateful Dead show I went to back in 1992...

Here is a different Casey Jones. Off of Shady Grove an album Jerry did with David Grisman. I love this album,,,

Here Jerry Garcia and his band covers Bob Dylan....

Jerry Garcia happy birthday, sorry you left so soon.

1 comment:

  1. The Grateful Dead without Jerry in like The Doors without Jim Morrison. Yeah, still cool but nowhere near righteous.

    Time to celebrate his magic with some Ben and Jerry's "Cherry Garcia."

