Thursday, July 5, 2012

Riding the Storm Out

This Spring and Summer have been all about storms for me. Over Memorial Day weekend Tropical Storm Beryl decided to meet me at my vacation spot. Next I was at Blues Fest and there was the delay/evacuation due to strong winds due to a rain storm. Now, I ended up driving through the Derecho in the Mid Atlantic states. I wrote a blog about it Monday when I finally got power back on but didn't publish it, I turned it into an article instead. I liked the blog post better since it was longer, I had to whittle it down for the short article request. Perhaps this song should be my theme song for the summer..

Well you can read my article about riding the storm out here. I should feel lucky I only lost power for parts of four days I know some folks who are still without power.

Okay, besides just promoting my article I thought I would post a few more articles by other writers so you could see what they went through it.Plus it is nice to play it forward!

Here is the experience of one writer who lives in Columbia, Maryland. It is a bit North East from me. Here is a report from Catonsville, Maryland to read as well.

Well, I hope you have power where you live and I will have a new post soon!

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