Friday, July 27, 2012

Jackson Browne

I reviewed Jackson Browne's concert this week with special guest Sara Watkins. You can read my review here if you like. I knew it was going to be a good concert. I like a little Bluegrass, Americana music and I was aware of Sara's work with Nickel Creek. Always a plus when you like both groups performing. I hadn't seen Jackson Browne perform but he was right up my alley as well. He impressed me as a mellow, very cool person who enjoyed the music. I mean he actually came on stage to introduce Sara Watkins who opened the show. Then he sat in with her for the final two songs of her set. Then he allowed her to set in on several songs during his set.

Here is Sara performing "Long Hot Summer Day" which she also performed at the show I saw her at:

Sorry that song is on the review as well but at least this one is a different version.
Here is her  old group Nickel Creek...

Okay the main attraction was Jackson Browne, even though he sure gave Sara her dues! Okay I couldn't find a performance from this year's show but her is a clip from the last time he played Wolf Trap in 2009...

It was a good time. I'm taking a little break from reviewing shows until August but I will be back with a new blog post soon!

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