Tuesday, July 17, 2012

At the Capital Fringe: Airswimming and The Comedy of Mirrors

Sunday I was in Washington, DC covering the Capital Fringe Festival. It was a busy day full of long car rides, long metro rides and long walks. First I had to pick up my credentials then I walked over to The Studio Theatre to catch The Comedy of Mirrors.

I figured you really can't mess up Shakespeare and I knew The Studio Theatre was a nice a venue so I played it safe. The play was well done, the set was simple but it was a Fringe production. The ending was hilarious. You can read my review here.

Then I walked back across town to catch Airswimming at a small gallery theater. This one I didn't play safe.  I had no idea what the play was about. Thankfully it was quite good. It was about two girls and the time they spent in asylum. You can read that review here.

Here is a monologue from a different production of the play..

Well I have another play at The Fringe to review on Thursday so I will probably blog about it on Friday. In the meantime here is a link to a bunch of reviews and previews.


  1. Have you ever been up to NYC and reviewed the big productions? I know I had a good time watching tsome of them.

    I just left NYC on writer business Sunday night, but never had a breath to catch a play. Sigh.

  2. No I haven't had a chance to review the big productions on Broadway yet but I have reviewed a hand full of the National Touring shows
