Friday, June 22, 2012

Lebron James 2

Congrats to Lebron James and the Miami Heat for winning the NBA Championship. Many felt Lebron needed a ring to be considered one of the greatest ever. In today's sports do you need titles to be considered among the greats? I consider Dan Marino one of the greatest quarterbacks ever but he never one a championship.

Lebron thinks so. Modern greats do have rings like Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, and Larry Bird. I blogged about Lebron  nearly 2 years ago on July 10, 2010.  I'm still not a fan of the way he left Cleveland. I'm sure there are people in Cleveland who aren't either. But I don't hate him. I am just one of those folks who think he is a great player but I am not on his bandwagon.

However, I am glad his road to a championship wasn't easy. I am glad Lebron was the MVP of the playoffs and a dominate player during the championship series. Winning a championship wasn't all Lebron needed to do, but winning one and playing great helps his case.

He is young enough to add on to his NBA resume. It will be interesting to see ow he ranks up in time. However, he deserves credit for making great strides.

The trophy..

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