Wednesday, May 30, 2012

R.I.P. Doc Watson

Sorry for the break in posts, I went on an unplanned vacation but I am back now! Unfortunately deaths don't take a vacation. The legendary guitarist Doc Watson passed away at 89. It has been a rough year for makers of Old Time music and Doc is a fine example of one of the best going away.

Don't take my word for it he won eight Grammy Awards including a Lifetime Achievement award. I read somewhere Chet Atkins had a likeness of Doc in his home somewhere. That is some high praise.

Watson is best know as a guitarist, one of the best flat pickers ever and he could finger pick too! He also played Harmonica and Banjo simply put he could play multiple instruments. His music skipped genres from bluegrass, to gospel, country, folk, and blues. Yes I know some of those are easy to cross but their is no doubt  Doc was a versatile musician.

Deep River Blues from Youtube...

A member of the Bluegrass Hall of Honor, several honorary degrees, a National Honor of the Arts, A lifetime achievement Award from the Recording Academy highlight some of his awards and honors along with the fore mentioned Grammy Awards. He certainly achieved a lifetime of musical awards and left us quite a legacy. He will be missed.

Two Greats we lost this year may they play in the concert hall in the sky..

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