Sunday, May 6, 2012

Reflection on April's A to Z: Challenge

First of all the April A to Z challenge is fun!It is challenging and it kind of forces you to post almost everyday. Luckily this year I wasn't on a big road trip as travel adds another challenge. The benefits of the challenge are awesome!

Seven new followers found my blog! Hopefully, they will stick around. I also received a lot more comments. I also gave a few. My page views went up more than double from the month before.All great stuff! I think the best thing of a contest like this is the discovery of other blogs.

I got away from the shameless self promotion that I do. I still do some and I will again in the future. That's what I do. But I got a chance to write on topics I haven't in a while. Get a chance to revive some old twists, keep some twists, and and some some new twists in this rambling vine of a blog.

It was also nice to know which letter the next blog would start with. Most days I don't have a clue what this blog will be about. Some days I know exactly. Other days I kick myself thinking I should of blogged about that.

Well the A to Z: Challenge was fun and I look forward to next years.

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