Monday, May 14, 2012

First Loves

Here I go joining another blog fest, challenge type thing. What was my first favorite movie? I honestly don't remember. Reaching way back in my mind I am thinking it was a Disney movie probably "Lady and the Tramp" I remember watching that in the theater way to many years ago.Well it wasn't this version from 1955..I want to say they re-released it in the theaters in the 70's as well.

Well my all time favorite is Scarface and my favorite actor is Al Pacino.That said he has done some very strange roles.

Perhaps this is the only blog in the world which would have Lady and the Tramp and Scarface back to back. Funny thing is I still have those type of tastes. I enjoy watching movies with my daughter  and she keeps me more grounded watching shows I should be watching. However, I still like the gangster movie or murderer show like Dexter now and then. Kids do make you more aware of what you watch though.

Music..honestly my first love of music was what I called Cowboy music which I used to play on a record player way before I was five. Perhaps when I was three. What did I consider Cowboy music stuff like Marty Robbins...

Maybe "Ghostriders"

This song was on my early playlist...

Then it was on to J.Geils Band and Men at Work...Thankfully I was introduced to Zeppelin along the way.

Books..Joy Adamson's Born Free, and actually the whole series I remember reading when I was quite young. I was going to save the world, and catch poachers in Florida when I grew up..I wonder what happened to those dreams. I should have chased them I suppose.

First love..I am not mentioning names on this. The safe answer is my wife she was the first to marry me. Or perhaps I should go with my daughter go with the Alpha and Omega  thing. I love being a Dad.

There you have my first loves...


  1. That was quite a mix. I haven't seen Lady and the Tramp since my parents took me to see it in the theaters when it came out in the 50s. I remember liking it a great deal.
    On the other hand I finally saw Scarface a couple weeks ago and hated it. I bought the DVD a few years ago and it had been sitting unopened on my shelf until I finally decided that I needed to break it open. I was very disappointed. As soon as it ended I rushed to my computer to give it a one star review on Amazon.
    I think I'd rather have seen a movie about Al Capone which is what I was expecting.
    Cowboy music! I used to listen to it when I was a kid as well. Classic stuff.

    An A to Z Co-Host
    Tossing It Out

  2. I love your response to the last one. Very sweet.

  3. They definitely re-released Lady and the Tramp in the seventies, because that's when I saw it. I know what you mean about liking the wildly-different things. There's a lot of great stuff to watch with the kids (and a lot of junk, too) but there are shows like Weeds and Breaking Bad out there that I just can't watch with them. Nice to meet you via the Blogfest, thanks for sharing!

  4. nice mix of stuff!

    We all love something...right!
    Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
    Howlin' Wolf Records: On-Line Magazine

  5. Those were great picks. Al Pacino is one of the greats!

  6. Hi fellow blogfester here, you've got quite a different mix from mine. Interesting choices.

    The Spinster’s Vow

  7. I love Al Pacino - especially in The Devils Advocate (John Milton)... very long movie, and leaves the viewer with something to think about.

    Sharing the Love!
    English Speaking Zone

  8. I saw someone with Nightmare on Elm Street and a Disney film, so yours isn't such an odd mix. Another person selected Born Free the movie but you're first with the book.
    Thanks for participating in my blogfest!

  9. Thanks for sharing, but really was it your wife the first one? Poor you!

    Evalina, This and that...

  10. These were fun, but why shy away from talking about your first love? They are different than your true love.. I don't see why everyone is so afraid of this topic. Maybe its just too personal?


  11. 'Scarface' is such a Pacino classic. I really think this is an unforgettable movie.
